A Psychotic Break vs. a Mental Breakdown: Comparing Symptoms and Treatment Options
When a person’s stress rises to a level they cannot endure, they may begin to experience sudden changes in their mental and emotional composure. They may even begin to experience symptoms of psychosis. When your loved one is experiencing a sudden mental health crisis, it is less important that you can tell the difference between a psychotic break vs. a mental breakdown and more important that you help them to access the urgent clinical help they need.
When stress continues to accumulate in a person’s life and they don’t have the skills and resources to cope with it, eventually something will have to give. Unfortunately, it is often a person’s mental or emotional health that breaks before the external pressures are relieved. But it is a mistake to assume that the only real problem is those outside pressures. There is an important reason why they lack the ability to cope, and it’s important to get to the bottom of that reason and to uncover the treatment options and support systems that can prevent another episode of distress like this one—or worse.
If someone you care about is experiencing distressing symptoms that seem to have come on suddenly, you can help by observing those changes and reaching out for help. It isn’t as important that you can distinguish exactly what they’re going through—for example, a psychotic break vs. a mental breakdown—because only a psychiatric specialist can recognize the precise diagnosis. But you are your loved one’s initial source of compassion and support.
What Is a Mental Breakdown?
The term mental breakdown refers to a perceived crisis in someone’s mental or emotional health. In and of itself, mental breakdown is not a diagnosis, but it is a signal that professional attention and evaluation are critical to initiate steps toward stabilization and recovery.
Very often, a mental breakdown occurs in someone’s life when the stress and pressure they experience has increased to an extent that they can no longer cope. While it may seem to come on suddenly, chances are good that this crisis has been building for some time, and the healing process will, likewise, be gradual and extensive. It is important to seek a professional diagnosis as quickly as possible after distressing symptoms appear. Only then, can treatment begin. And treatment options will be unique whether the underlying mental issue is related to a mood disorder, trauma disorder, anxiety disorder, psychotic disorder, or other acute or chronic mental health condition.
Because the underlying causes of this crisis can be diverse, the symptoms of a mental breakdown can also vary widely:
- Depressed mood, including sadness, hopelessness, and guilt
- Lack of motivation
- Loss of interest in activities and other things
- Mood swings and outbursts
- Emotional numbness
- Significant changes in daily patterns, such as sleep, appetite and eating, or self-care
- Physical illness
- Aches and pains
- Gastrointestinal distress
- Fatigue
- Thoughts or acts involving self-harm or suicide
- Social withdrawal and isolation
- Difficulty with focus, concentration, and clear thinking
- Worries and anxiety that don’t go away
- Paranoia
- Flashbacks to traumatic experiences
- Hallucinations
- Delusional thinking
- Feeling detached from oneself or one’s environment
What Is a Psychotic Break?
A mental breakdown does not exclude the possibility of psychosis, but a psychotic break refers specifically to an episode of psychosis. Typically, a psychotic break indicates the first onset of psychotic symptoms for a person or the sudden onset of psychotic symptoms after a period of remission. Symptoms may include delusional thoughts and beliefs, auditory and visual hallucinations, and paranoia.
While psychotic episodes are often rooted in an original psychotic disorder, it’s also possible for severe cases of depression, anxiety, bipolar, and other conditions to result in psychosis. It is incredibly difficult to accurately diagnose a psychotic break on the surface, but an experienced clinician can get to the bottom of what is causing someone’s symptoms, whether there are any additional mental or emotional concerns to be aware of, and the best way to move forward with treatment.
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619-466-0547Treatment for a Psychotic Break vs. a Mental Breakdown
Any sudden change in a person’s mental or emotional well-being is cause for concern. When you notice unusual signs or symptoms in a loved one, take them seriously and seek help. A sudden crisis can be confusing and scary, but it’s important to know that treatment and recovery are possible. Most often, the sooner a person can get clinical help, the better their prognosis will be.
As we’ve determined, an accurate diagnosis is the vital first step for anyone experiencing a mental health episode. Symptomatology is complicated, and it’s possible for the side effects of various disorders to overlap. So, it’s dangerous to make assumptions about what someone is experiencing. In fact, it’s better to assume that what they are going through can get worse at any moment. And professional attention should be an urgent priority.
In a comprehensive treatment environment, a personal life assessment accompanies the clinical diagnosis. Experienced clinicians understand that someone’s mental and emotional health is closely integrated with all areas of their life. Recovery after a mental breakdown or a psychotic break is as much about stabilizing the stressors and triggers in a person’s life as it is about treating the symptoms. And, even beyond stabilization, integrative treatment aims to prepare clients for healthier, more empowered long-range futures. It is entirely possible for someone to gain positive new coping skills and prevent another distressing episode that they are helpless to endure.
If you’re concerned about a loved one and believe they may need residential care, we can help. BrightQuest offers long-term treatment for people struggling with complex mental health illnesses and co-occurring disorders. Contact us to learn more about our renowned program and how we can help you or your loved one start the journey toward recovery.